Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Issue of the Week: Forgive? Forget? Fire?
In light of the recent disclosure by UA psychology professor Robert Bechtel about his 1955 killing of a fellow classmate, to what extent should the UA accept acts of criminal behavior in prospective employees?
Regents have it right
After hearing the announcement that professor Robert Bechtel at the UA confessed to murdering someone, the whole state seems up in arms trying to figure out how the prevent the state universities from ever hiring a felon again.
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Guest Commentary: Petitions, postcards make a difference when fighing injustice
Imagine living in a country where you are denied food because of your political party affiliation. Imagine taking a job somewhere and after discovering your political beliefs, your boss refuses to pay you. This is exactly the situation that thousands if not millions of Zimbabweans are facing right now.
There is a massive food shortage in Zimbabwe this year, due to years of government budget mismanagement, civil unrest and political rivalry. Food may be being used as a weapon for political gain by the government of Zimbabwe.
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Editorial denies second chances
In the staff editorial, the Arizona Daily Wildcat expresses their opinion that killers shouldn't be teachers because they are endangering students. Well, in that case what line of work do you suggest they pursue? Should they be factory workers? CEOs? Bag boy at Bashas'? I ask because wherever they go there will always be someone who will feel a level of discomfort around them, and frankly that is their problem, not the employer's nor the killer's. If someone doesn't feel comfortable being in Dr. Bretchel's class he can always drop it.
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