Friday Apr. 5, 2002
Likins calls for 12 percent tuition increase
Under plan, out-of-state students tuition would increase by $1,000
UA President Peter Likins proposed yesterday to raise next year's in-state tuition by $300 and out-of-state tuition by $1,000.
With the increase, Arizona resident students would pay $2,790 and out-of-state students would pay $11,356 per year in tuition and fees.
The recommended hikes, which are 12 percent for in-state and 9.7 percent for out-of-state, will be one of the proposals the Arizona Board of Regents will consider when it sets tuition at its April 25-26 meeting at Northern Arizona University.
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Fast facts:
Isaac Newton dropped out of school when he was a teenager, at his mother's request. She hoped he would become a successful farmer.
Martha Jane Burke, better known as Calamity Jane, married 12 times.
Married Catholics are more sexually active than other married couples as they age: 50 percent of them have sex at least once a week when they are 55 years old or older, compared with 40 percent for other faiths.
Irving Berlin could play in only one key, the key of F-sharp. As one of America's great songwriters, he taught himself to play the piano by practicing in a saloon where he worked as a singing waiter.
Sunday school teachers Patty and Mildred Hill wrote a song in the 1890s that we still sing today; "Happy Birthday to You" was a rewrite of their earlier song, "Good Morning to All."
George Washington's face was badly scarred from smallpox.
Mary Todd Lincoln was so disliked in her day that she was nicknamed "The She-Wolf."
On this date:
In 1792, George Washington vetoed a bill - the first time a president exercised that power.
In 1815, the volcano Tambora erupted at Sumbawa, Java.
In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games officially opened in Athens.
In 1951, espionage convicts Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death.
In 1967, Philadelphia 76er Wilt Chamberlain set the NBA record of 41 rebounds in one game.
In 1986, the record for a throw-and-return boomerang toss was set at 121m.
In 1987, the Fox TV network premiered, showing "Married With Children" and "The Tracey Ullman Show."
"The common-sense point of this is that there is a definite risk, but the risk is rather small."
- Dr. Arno G. Motulsky, professor of medicine and genome sciences at the University of Washington, about findings that first or second cousins bearing children run a lower risk of causing birth defects than once predicted.
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