Jeff Sklar outgoing Wildcat editor in chief
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday December 11, 2002
Once-proud emperor now sees subordinate absconding with the crown that had been his
WILDCAT: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with anyone from this paper, who would it be?
SKLAR: Rebekah Jampole, because she's going to be my boss when I'm a reporter next semester and I need to suck up to her.
WILDCAT: Good answer. But what if you had to eat the person you were stuck with?
SKLAR: It'd probably be our adviser, Mark Woodhams, because he's so old that he's well-done and he'd probably be good.
WILDCAT: And he's going to die soon anyway, right?
SKLAR: You said it, not me.
WILDCAT: Just kidding. Sorry, Mark, I hope you never die! Well, what if a giant banana and a giant coconut both asked you to be king of their respective kingdoms, which would you choose?
SKLAR: I don't see why I can't be king of two kingdoms.
WILDCAT: Leave it to you to be a dictator.
SKLAR: I have no objection to dictatorship.
WILDCAT: Other than dictatorship, what is the legacy that you're leaving behind?
SKLAR: The newsroom definitely smells worse than it used to.
WILDCAT: Is that why it's so hot in here?
SKLAR: Well, everyone tells me I'm hot.
WILDCAT: Hot and stinky, a double threat. Say you're in your house and a one-eyed monster attacks you. What in your room would you use as a weapon?
SKLAR: Where in the hell do you come up with these questions? And why did I hire you?
WILDCAT: Hey! Watch it. I'm your boss next semester.
SKLAR: I know. That may come back to haunt me. A one-eyed monster? I was thinking stabbing him with a fork or knife or something.
WILDCAT: I see. If you had one last thing to say to all your Wildcatters, what would it be?
SKLAR: You owe me big time.
WILDCAT: I'm still your daddy!
SKLAR: Who's your daddy? Me.