SUSIE LEMONT/ Arizona Daily Wildcat
Elsie Leal, a Graduation Center employee, assists interdisciplinary studies senior Carmen Paradee with her cap and gown Tuesday morning at the main UA bookstore in the student union. Winter commencement is on December 21 in McKale Center.
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday December 11, 2002
Surgeon General Richard Carmona will speak at Dec. 21 commencement ceremony for nearly 4,000 graduating students
This December, the only thought racing through the minds of seniors is graduation and entering the place that four years ago seemed like an eternity away ÷ the world beyond college.
On Dec. 21, during the 127th Commencement Ceremony, President Pete Likins will confer degrees upon almost 4,000 students (2,956 undergraduate, 498 masters, 198 doctoral, three specialist, one medical, 11 masters of law and nine juris doctor).
"It's so exciting. There's still so much to do," said Cheri Blauwet, who was chosen as a Centennial Award recipient as well as the outstanding senior in the College of Science.
Richard Carmona, the surgeon general of the United States, a former local trauma surgeon and UA alumnus, will speak at the ceremony.
Before Carmona speaks, Blauwet has some advice for graduating and future seniors.
"Don't let fear rule your decisions," he said. "Take risks if they need to be taken. It's worth it."
The ceremony will take place at 9:30 a.m. in McKale Memorial Center. A reception for graduates prior to the ceremony will be held at Crowder Hall from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.