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Staff Picks: Football

Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday September 6, 2002
Connor Doyle
staff writer

Miami at Florida

People are saying this game will be the first "test" of the Ron Zook era. Test ö yeah, that's the thing football players from neither of those teams ever take! This game is just another match-up between the haves and the have-a-little-more. I don't know about you, but I'd rather see two paraplegics box. Florida wins because they're at home.

Florida 69, Miami 52

Colorado St. at UCLA

There is only one scenario that allows Bob Toledo and the Bruins to win this game. Bruins QB Corey Paus takes out the entire Rams secondary, gets them hammered, and then lets Ricky Manning Jr. beat the crap out of them outside. Then Paus drives them home. If not, the Bruins get killed.

Colorado St. 41, UCLA 21

Fresno State at Oregon

So, the Bulldogs almost lost to San Diego State last weekend. SAN DIEGO STATE?! Forget last year, folks, because Fresno State is truly going to represent the people of its hometown this season, mainly by being a bunch of pathetic losers who smell like sewage runoff. The Ducks will only keep their starters in for the first half in this blowout.

Oregon 56, Fresno St. 14

Alabama at Oklahoma

Last year, I got a lot of nasty emails and voicemails after making a few redneck jokes at Alabama's expense. I believe one of them was "Roll Tide, you f**king queer." Well, I would just like to thank the great fans of Alabama for their input. Unfortunately, not too many Tide fans make it out to the OK game· I hear there's a "rally" of some kind in town.

Oklahoma 24, Alabama 3

David Stevenson
staff writer

Miami at Florida

Three prominent programs, Florida State, Florida and Miami are all in different conferences so disregard any "renewed rivalry" talk. After 15 years of not playing each other both sides start this game with considerable losses to the NFL: Miami lost 11 players and Florida most notably lost its head coach. Look for Hurricane quarterback Ken Dorsey to avenge his Heisman snub.

Miami 27, Florida 21

Colorado St. at UCLA

Bruin fans are trying to forget former running back DeShaun Foster's free ride in a white Bronco several years back. They should ask Trojans how they forgot about their running back's Bronco escapades. Hopefully the Bruins will all be sober tomorrow because CSU won't be able to pull off two shockers in a row.

UCLA 33, Colorado St. 20

Fresno State at Oregon

Having three helmetless Duck receivers with yellow streamers all around them is a pretty bold PR campaign. It did wonders last year in Joey Harrington's case for the Heisman. The ads will help this year, especially since one of them is on a hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Fresno can't do anything about the Ducks tomorrow.

Oregon 38, Fresno St. 24

Alabama at Oklahoma

Once again a redneck game to decide who gets to name their kid Cletus.

The Sooners defense is too quick, too strong and, dare I say it, too clever.

I severely question the intelligence of any team that uses personal numbers as helmet decals. But then again, it's Alabama.

Oklahoma 27, Alabama 14

Brian Penso
staff writer

Miami at Florida

Here's a little advice for Rex Grossman: If you try to run the option against the Hurricanes don't expect to watch any NFL games on Sunday because you will be in the hospital. The Miami defense is too quick and smart to use the option against. Just ask the Cornhuskers. Miami will shock Gator fans in a rout.

Miami 35, Florida 17

Colorado St. at UCLA

CSU stunned the Buffaloes last week and established themselves as a quality football team. The question for UCLA is if its offense can survive without DeShaun Foster. If Corey Paus manages to stay sober enough before the game then UCLA may have a chance, but odds are that won't happen. I'll meet you for a drink at Madison's after the game, Cory.

Colorado St. 28, UCLA 21

Fresno State at Oregon

Fresno St.'s only edge over the Ducks is that David Carr was picked ahead of Joey Harrington in this year's NFL draft. However, Oregon's offensive system is lethal and new quarterback Jason Fife looks just as good as captain comeback. Oregon is more athletic at every position and they should run over the Bulldogs.

Oregon 31, Fresno St. 10

Alabama at Oklahoma

Two of the nation's storybook programs collide this weekend, but that will be the only excitement. Look for the tailgating before the game to be more exciting than the game itself. Oklahoma is geared up for a run at its second championship in three years and Alabama is rebuilding since going on probation a few years back.

Oklahoma 24, Alabama 7

Eric Cohen
staff writer

Miami at Florida

Does it get any better than this? 83,000 Floridians filling the craziest college stadium for a rivalry game that hasn't been played during the regular season since 1987. ÎCanes quarterback Ken Dorsey will be chomping at the bit against a Gator defense that I'm not convinced can stop Miami's dynamic offense. Chalk it up for Hurricane Coker in the Swamp.

Miami 34, Florida 24

Colorado St. at UCLA

This Colorado State team is legit after its upset 19-14 victory against rival Colorado last week. UCLA is in for a long year and coach Bob Toledo might as well look for a new job. I would only watch this game if it were played on CSU's basketball court with the huge outline of the Ram on it.

Colorado St. 20, UCLA 14

Fresno State at Oregon

Without QBs David Carr and Joey Harrington, does anyone really care about this game? No, though Oregon running back Onterrio Smith will run all over the Bulldogs defense and the points will keep coming in this one. Fresno State coach Pat Hill should learn from FSU's former basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian and keep the biting towels ready on the sideline.

Oregon 42, Fresno St. 27

Alabama at Oklahoma

The Crimson Tide is on probation for giving money to recruits. Don't most schools do that? I guess Alabama was just too dumb and got caught. Not to mention, they have to go to Norman this week and get pounded by a powerful Oklahoma team with a five foot nothing running back, Quentin Griffin. Boomer Sooner in a blowout.

Oklahoma 31, Alabama 10


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