Claire C. Laurence/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Arizona’s Nov. 5 victory over UCLA prompted fans to attempt to bring down the goalpost in the Arizona Stadium football field. The UAPD is continuing its investigation to identify potential criminal trespassers by analyzing film stills of the victory celebrations.
By Ross Hager
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
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Fans stormed field after upset win over UCLA
The University of Arizona Police Department is continuing its attempts to identify the individuals involved in the celebration following Arizona’s 52-14 victory over UCLA Nov. 5.
After reviewing film of the celebration, investigators were able to identify five men, who appear to be student-age, as the individuals attempting to bring down the goalpost on the Arizona Stadium football field, reports stated.
While it may seem like a small matter, UAPD Spokesman Sgt. Eugene Mejia said that students don’t understand the seriousness of the situation.
“Although (the suspects) are facing minor criminal charges,” Mejia said, “the big picture is if one of those poles had given way, someone could have gotten killed.”
Mejia said the suspects involved were given due warning by UA personnel to exit the field and put many people at risk by disregarding orders.
“As a public-safety agency, our biggest goal is to maintain safety,” Mejia said.
Along with potential charges of criminal trespassing, Mejia said the suspects could also be subject to charges through the university.
To aide in their investigation, police are using film stills of the suspects in hopes that someone will come forward with the individuals’ identities.
On Dec. 8, police posted the film stills on their Web site and also gave copies to the local media, Mejia said.
“We have had some information coming in,” Mejia said. “We have received tips of people who are potentially involved.”
Police are hopeful they will be able to identify the suspects with the information they have
received using the film stills.
Although this is not the first time UA fans have rushed the field after a victory, Mejia said that newer technologies have helped to fuel an otherwise difficult investigation.
“We didn’t have resources available like we do this year,” Mejia said.