Wednesday, January 11, 2006
There’s an old newsroom adage, “There is no such thing as a slow news day, only slow journalists.”
For the next 16 weeks, I promise you there will be no slow news days.
These are historic times for the UA. Along with the requisite tuition hikes, student government elections and the madness of March, this semester will also see the selection of the next university president.
As President Peter Likins passes the torch to his successor, issues such as class availability, financial aid and the fundamental direction of our institution are at stake.
[Read article]
· Meet the firing squad |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: December 1, 2005
Latest Issue: December 6, 2005
Fire twirling, sword swallowing on club's weekly agenda
There's a little pyromaniac in all of us. Blame our caveman
instincts, but our fascination with this force of nature - both
destructive and life-sustaining - starts with childhood, where
experiments with a Zippo lighter and your mother's industrial-sized can
of hairspray gives you hours of fun and, if you're lucky, a brand-new
set of eyebrows. [Read
article] |