Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Issue of the Week: Possible write-in candidates
The elections are over. We've cast our ballots but, for the most part, the choice of president was extremely limited in scope. Bush or Kerry was the question yesterday, but here we think that there could have been a multitude of other possible and worthy candidates. So, the question for this week is who would we pick if we could write-in anybody for president?
Pick the better Bush: Will Ferrell
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Procrastination: friend or foe?
When the weekend rolls around, and you're completely dead from the school, how many of you wait until Sunday night to cram for that Monday exam? How many of you said the Friday before, "I'm going to do half or all of my homework on Sunday so I can relax?"
Inevitably, a majority of all students procrastinate and study late Sunday night. Approximately 70 percent of students procrastinate.
Can you imagine a college life without procrastination? The thrill of finishing that 10-page paper that you started in the afternoon and finished at 2 in the morning, would no longer exist. Students would always choose homework before the television or the Internet.
[Read article]
Glad non-debates, elections are over
I for one am so happy that Election Day has come and will be gone tomorrow. People will no longer be subjected to the onslaught of negative, knee-jerk reactionaries out in this world.
Each day I read this paper and find no intelligent debate over what might be done to better this country. Instead I see the lefties complaining about Bush and what he will "do." Then I read something from the righties about what Kerry will "do."
[Read article]
