CHRIS CODUTO/Arizona Daily Wildcat
KAMP sports director Ryan Kaner adjusts his microphone during the broadcast of "In The Zone." KAMP, which until now has only broadcast online, is now playing in the Park Student Union courtyard.
By Zach Colick
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
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Students who hang out outside the Park Student Union will now be able to listen to streaming broadcasts of KAMP student radio in the courtyard by Panda Express.
KAMP has put up two speakers outside of its broadcast headquarters enabling students to hear sports, music, news and entertainment shows which used to only be available on the Internet and on channel 20 in the residence halls.
Ashley Furey, general manager of KAMP student radio, said the implementation of the speaker system is another way for KAMP's music to be heard on campus.
"We hope to get more listeners through this initiative," Furey said. "It should be good publicity for us."
Furey said she's hoping for positive feedback from students and hopes to make the station available at several campus locations campus including the Student Recreation Center. She said past attempts of installing speaker systems in the Student Union Memorial Center haven't worked because of technical problems.
"With a positive feedback and support from students, hopefully KAMP broadcasts can be played elsewhere around campus," she said. "This is the start of a big step ahead for KAMP."
Mike McCrea, a KAMP DJ and undeclared freshman, said KAMP is a huge organization that lacks a presence on campus and said the speakers will get the word out more about KAMP.
"Anything to get KAMP's music out and around campus is something we strive to work towards," he said.
Gered Ryan, a classics and linguistics freshman, said he hasn't listened to KAMP but he plans to listen to the shows now because he says he sits outside Panda Express at the Park Student Union two to three times a week.
Ryan said he thinks the outside speakers will help increase KAMP's listenership because he said a lot of students don't know about the station.
McCrea agreed.
"Our listenership is definitely not at its peak," he said. "It could definitely use a kick in the ass."
Ryan said he would like to hear KAMP played in the Rec Center because he frequents the workout room where music is played at least twice a week.
Patrick Moran, a pre-business freshman, said he eats outside the Park Student Union every day and said it's cool KAMP is advertising itself more to students.
"I think it will entertain students when they're hanging outside the union and help keep them informed on events around campus," he said.
Lynn Messenger, an engineering freshman, said she sits outside the Park Student Union three to four times a week and said the outside speakers will help students be more informed on things happening around campus.
"If people are out here, they'll be able to hear about KAMP and see what's going on around campus," she said.
Ingrid Lindstrom, a KAMP DJ and an ecology and evolutionary biology senior, said the speaker system is a benefit for students who live in Coronado and Arizona-Sonora Residence Halls and visit the Park Student Union every day.
She said the speakers will help KAMP have a stronger voice on campus.
"It will give students the opportunity to listen to music they haven't had exposure to," she said.
Lindstrom said the multitude of shows featured on KAMP will get more students attracted to the station.
"Because of the variety of shows we have from hip-hop to metal to jazz to world, all of our programs will have an appeal to a broad scope of listeners," she said.
Lindstrom said the KAMP mobile DJ service also spreads the word and promotes the radio station.
She said the mobile DJ service can be seen on the Mall playing music and entertaining students running off to classes or hanging out on the Mall.
"The more that mobile DJ gets out, the more that KAMP as a whole entity will get out and prosper," Lindstrom said.