December 5, 1995

on campus

Co-governance memo irks senator

Voucher plan likely to die; study deems it ineffective

State fighting to lift stay of execution

Symington, creditors agree to settle case confidentially

America a sinking ship, need to allow change to happen

Columnist makes conservatives look silly

Keisling hits the mark

Mascots just tip of racism

Pay mishap common

Police Beat

Student lends hand to African orphans born HIV positive


UA observatory to cooperate on Magellan project

Dole's use of company planes questioned

Journalist turns scientists into pin-up men

"The Old Reggie's Back"

Time is now for women's team

Versatility key to Arizona lineup

Women's team features youth, depth

Bibby set to continue point guard tradition next season

Respect is here Ÿ now Pac-10 has to keep it

Exceeding expectations

UA could experience dÇjÖ vu against Montana

Women swimmers take 2nd