Monday Apr. 15, 2002 |
| Online since 1994
Parking permits for next year go on sale today
Some lots already filled with current permit-holders
Hoping to attain the parking permit of her choice, Stephanie Lautz, an art history sophomore, is doing the unthinkable for a college student - getting up at 6 a.m.
The plight of Lautz is not uncommon for those unlucky students who must jockey for a permit after current permit holders have already had a chance to renew. Even if she gets a permit, it might not be the one she desires and she might have to pay an extra $215 for a garage permit.
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Letters to the Editor
UA: Keep Professor James Todd
In our political sociology class we started to debate the benefits of a research versus teaching university. Our school is a research university, where tuition is cheaper because professors bring in research money. However, you get what you pay for. It is quite obvious that a number of professors at the UA are here to do research and the teaching aspect is an annoyance to be given as little attention as possible.
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Hello Kitty finally grows a mouth
When was the last time someone complimented you on how well you speak English? Not recently? OK, when was the last time someone came up to you and greeted you with the Japanese word for hello? Can't remember? Well then, I can guarantee, with almost complete certainty, that you are not Asian.
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