Courtney Murphy freshman engineering
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday April 17, 2003
WILDCAT: How come you're not eating too?
MURPHY: Ummm ·
WILDCAT: Are you just here for moral support?
MURPHY: No, I'm getting ice cream later.
WILDCAT: Oh, because I'm like a girl. I'll get like, cookie dough and all that when I'm upset. Are you sure you're OK?
Stephen Parsey junior undecided
PARSEY: As far as I know I'm OK. It could be an internal thing, like subconscious.
WILDCAT: So are you a big fan of cookie dough?
PARSEY: I do like cookie dough.
WILDCAT: What kind of cookie dough?
PARSEY: Chocolate chip.
WILDCAT: There you go! A man who knows what he likes! What about you?
MURPHY: I don't like cookie dough.
WILDCAT: Well what about when you're upset, boyfriend broke up with you, Bob Barker's not going to be doing Price is Right anymore?
PARSEY: Now that's depressing!
WILDCAT: I don't know if that one is true, let me check on it.
MURPHY: When I get depressed I eat ice cream, I don't know, I just kind of go out.
WILDCAT: Honey, are you depressed now? Is that why you're going for ice cream?
MURPHY: I'm not.
WILDCAT: You're lying to me. Denial is the first step in knowing you have a problem.
MURPHY: I'm not, I promise.
WILDCAT: So what are you guys, just best friends?
PARSEY: Yeah, we met last semester.
WILDCAT: Where did you guys meet?
PARSEY AND MURPHY: Engineering class.
PARSEY: We had a bit of a discrepancy with someone in the class.
WILDCAT: Was it one of those teams where one person does absolutely nothing?
WILDCAT: That drives me crazy! I had this one girl in my team that did nothing at all, then she went into our professor's office and bawled her eyes out. Both this one girl and I got B's, she got an A.
PARSEY: That's terrible!
WILDCAT: I hate-100 level classes!