Monday, November 22, 2004
The Passion of the Sandwich
Later today, while most of us will be heading home from a long day of classes or from work, someone out there will find out whether or not they have won the opportunity to purchase religious enlightenment at the click of a mouse. That's right, a little after 5 p.m. today, someone will be announced as the winner of an eBay auction that is selling off what the owner describes as "a miracle" - something that has brought them countless "blessings" since the item for sale has been in their possession.
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Give Bechtel a break
You know how in grade school everyone has a role? For instance you have the smelly kid, the smart kid, the mean kid, the weird kid who let the white pasty glue dry on his arm and would promptly eat it with great abandon. Well, as for me, I was the fat kid.
Yet, the realization of being fat never crossed my mind for a while because, as a child, you have those few blissful years when appearance means nothing to you. I went to a Catholic school, and in keeping in line with uniform regulations, I needed to get a new skirt since my jumper was getting a little too tight. Other kids at school did not fail to see how roly-poly I was getting.
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Recognize the 'message' in professor's confession
Thank you for printing that story on professor Bechtel. I can only hope that more people than I would assume are able to read it with an open mind. My fear is that many people will not be able to move their minds past the killing in order to understand the point in all of it. On the other hand, one cannot help but think about the student who was killed and about his family. But there are positives in every situation, no matter how much we might refuse to accept that, and I hope that the family of the victim was able to find some aspect of their own situation that they could learn from, just as professor Bechtel was able to find some deeper lesson in his experience.
[Read article]
