Tuesday, January 18, 2005
As I drove to school the other day, I saw a revealing bumper sticker. No, not "revealing" as in displaying naked people. Revealing because it gave me a snapshot into a major problem in our society: the phenomenon of simplistic rhetoric and confused thinking. Put another way, the problem of addressing adult issues with children's logic.
The bumper sticker read, "Annoy a Liberal: Work, Succeed, Be Happy." My first instinct was to think of a counter-slogan, which might read, "Annoy a Conservative: Think, Share, Avoid Complacency." But then I realized that displaying that sticker would be hypocritical and would only compound the problem. After all, exchanging demeaning labels and categorizing people and issues don't accomplish anything meaningful.
[Read article]
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Latest Issue: December 8, 2004
