Jacques Gallaher 18-year-old Brit
By Joshua Sills
Arizona Summer Wildcat
Wednesday August 6, 2003
British visitor likes science, but doesn't believe in little green men
Wildcat: What are you doing here in Tucson?
Gallaher: Um · visiting my dad.
Wildcat: Where are you from?
Gallaher: England, outside London.
Wildcat: How do you like it here? A little hot, huh?
Gallaher: Yeah, just a bit hot. It's quite nice, though.
Wildcat: So what's it like back home?
Gallaher: I don't know what it is in Fahrenheit, but it's about 27 degrees Celcius.
Wildcat: So how long are you here for?
Gallaher: Six weeks.
Wildcat: What have you got in your hand? You thinking about coming to school here?
Gallaher: Yeah, I was thinking about doing computer science.
Wildcat: Are you still in high school or whatever you call it out there?
Gallaher: I just finished.
Wildcat: You got the shades going on. What's with those?
Gallaher: It helps protect my eyes from the sun.
Wildcat: So what have you done while you are here? Anything exciting?
Gallaher: Hiking.
Wildcat: So you are going to study computer science? You into science big time?
Gallaher: Yeah, biology and chemistry too.
Wildcat: Well our Lunar and Planetary Laboratory just got a $350-million grant from NASA to study life on Mars. Do you think there is life on Mars?
Gallaher: Well, they found fossilized evidence of microbacteria.
Wildcat: You don't think there are little green men with antennae or anything like that?
Gallaher: (laughs) No, no.